3" Caution / Danger Tape
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Store Pickup: List of available stores available on the Checkout page.
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The Johnson Level Standard Tape is used to mark restricted or hazardous areas in your workplace. Made of durable plastic in high-visibility colors, the letterings are written in bold, easy reading black ink print. Available in rolls individually labeled and UPC'd. It comes in 3" width and two different lengths, 300' and 1,000'.
This Johnson Level Standard Tape is available in two colors and signs. Yellow tape for caution sign is used for instances where the barricaded area has a low level of safety and health hazards. Red tape for danger sign is used for instances where the barricaded has medium or high levels of safety and health hazards.
The Johnson Level Standard Tape is available in different sign and length. Select your preference from the drop-down menu above.
Sign: Caution/Cuidado, Danger Do Not Enter, Caution/Cuidado, Danger Danger, or Caution/Caution
Length: 300' or 1,000'
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