I ordered this bag online, the website said this item will ship out in 24-48 hours from time of purchase. I waited for one week to go by, nothing!! I waited another week, STILL NOTHING! I called the phone number associated with Tiger Supplies, NOTHING!! I emailed the customer support line, NOTHING.. Finally I called and was able to get a live person on the phone, I explained my situation to him, he was probably the rudest, most unprofessional I have ever dealt with in my life. Every question I asked him, his response was ""I DONT KNOW"" UH MAYBE!! couldn't get a straight answer from this gentlemen, finally I said can you just cancel this order please!! his response was, well sir I see here that the item was back-ordered, we don't have it in stock. I said it would have been nice if I could have been notified when I placed the order, that this product was not available, it was on back-order. I could have looked elsewhere instead of waiting for two weeks on NOTHING!!! Signed, NEVER AGAIN!!